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February 16, 2010


Brian  Brodrick

Colonial Homes? Pope and Land would be happy I guess, although the floodplain issues down there would seem to rule it out.


They should take over the Streets of Buckhead site

Carson Matthews

How much of the Colonial site is in the floodplain? All of it? If so you would think that would hurt it's chances. The West Paces site seems pretty strong and certainly not in the floodplain, but quite a distance for those in the Sarah Smith & Garden Hills Districts. Lastly I don't think the Paces property will be in the city's budget... I think it's worth a lot more than they are planning on spending, but man, that would be the PERFECT location! We shall see.

Carson Matthews

Brian  Brodrick

I always heard that if you wanted to redevelop Colonial Homes, you would basically have to pile a bunch of dirt up in the middle of the site and build on it. When it rains/floods, half of the roads in the complex can be under water, unless something has changed in recent years.

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