ATLANTA (July 25, 2012) - SkyHouse Midtown, the 23-story apartment tower under construction at West Peachtree and 12th streets, seems to have gone up in record time.
Seems like only a couple months ago since Batson-Cook Development and Novare Group kicked off construction of the building. (Actually, the official groundbreaking occurred on a warmer-than-usual Feb. 1.) When I drove by the site Sunday, it became clear the construction team lead by Baston-Cook's contracting arm, wants to complete the tower before Atlanta's hot multifamily market overheats.
It got me thinking about record times to complete towers, and as if on cue, the current issue of Fortune included a graphic about the speed of getting the world's tallest towers from start to completion.
One World Trade Center, which will be a symbolic 1,776 feet tall is rising at a clip of 0.6 feet a day, according to the piece. The world's current tallest buiding, Burj Khalifa in Dubai, went up at a faster pace of 1.5 feet/day. But the Chinese seem to be the masters of speed building, or commercial real estate propaganda.
The Chinese firm building Sky City One says it will complete the tower, which will be 2,749 feet tall, in a mere 90 days. That's a clip of 30.5 feet, or nearly three stories, a day. The Empire State building, which rises about 1,250 feet, took 410 days to construct.
For its part, Fortune acknowledged it's skeptical about Sky City One being completed in only three months.
Back in Midtown Atlanta, SkyHouse is rising at a good clip, but it won't eclipse any records, and that's good thing. (Disclosure, Invest Atlanta, a Wilbert News Strategies client, played a role in the financing of SkyHouse Midtown, another good thing.)