Anyone wondering what former BeltLine President and CEO Brian Leary is up to these days need look no further than today's Wall Street Journal.
In September, Charlotte-based Crescent Communities picked Leary as president of its commercial and mixed-use divisions, and he's already overseeing development of a $500 million mixed-use development dubbed Tryon Place.
In today's Plots & Ploys column in the WSJ, Leary tells reporter Peter Grant that Crescent is seeking an anchor tenant and hopes to get construction finance to start the project next year. Short of that, Crescent "also might move forward with all-equity financing if it can find a partner," Grant reports.
Grant's column item, under the headline "Charlotte is Chugging," focuses on office developers moving ahead with spec office towers "for the first time in years" and says it's a "sign of strength" in second-tier cities. Charlotte boosters will love the item but might quable with being termed second-tier. The Wilbert Group, the nationa's leading commercial real estate PR firm, is proud to represent Charlotte-based Lincoln Harris, which has some cool plans of its own for the Queen City.
As for Leary, it's good to see him moving and shaking again. He rejoined Jacoby Development after resigning as BeltLine president as the result of an inquiry into expense reports. We hated that he left Atlanta but are glad to see him kicking ass in Charlotte.