ATLANTA (May 19, 2013) - Why Should a Freelance Writer Come to NAREE 2013?
Recently a freelancer covering the broad field of real estate wrote into the NAREE office asking what could she get out of attending's NAREE's 47th Annual Real Estate Journalism Conference in Atlanta June 5-8 -- especially since travel budgets are so tight.
Here are some good reasons: Of the freelancer writers already registered for NAREE13 from Austin, Houston, Chicago, Salt Lake City, the Washington DC area and New York -- each has been to several NAREE conferences in a row. Editors from Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal Digital, Washington Post, Atlanta Journal Constitution, Unique Homes, MSN Real Estate, Inman News, Design New England magazine, Commercial Property Executive, Senior Housing News, Student Housing Business, Southeast Real Estate Business, Northeast Real Estate Business, Sarasota Herald-Tribune, National Real Estate Investor, World Property Channel, Vendome Group, and others are also registered for NAREE's conference at the Hilton Atlanta downtown.
Plus plenty of industry blog sites now use the work of bonafide freelancer journalists and many of the folks who run those blogs are coming to NAREE as are an amazing group of industry experts who will speak at the NAREE conference -- providing new story ideas for months to come. Only at NAREE13 can you interview experts under one conference roof on topics as diverse as -- net-zero homes, online real estate, new urbanism, home price forecasts, QRM and hard to get loans and trends in office design and building.
Opening day, Wednesday, June 5 at 4:30 PM there is a session specifically for freelancers in the digital age, plus networking time at NAREE's Opening Reception at 5 PM, the walk over to the W high-rise tour/reception from the Hilton at 6:15 and NAREE's President's Hospitality Suite which opens at 9:00 PM. NAREE president Kris Hudson, Wall Street Journal, and vice president Daniel Taub, Bloomberg, will welcome the group.
On Thursday morning, June 6 at 8 AM, NAREE Board Secretary Mary Shanklin of the Orlando Sentinel will talk on the new dawn of entrepreneurial journalism during her panel on "Digital Journalism: Covering New Ground." Lots of networking time for freelancers and editors is also built into the afternoon tours (beginning at 2:30 PM) and receptions and, of course, the NAREE President's Suite at 9 PM.
NAREE's Meet the Press (MTP) on Friday at 3:45 PM at the Hilton is an excellent vehicle for freelancers to see most of the editors mentioned above for three-minute one-on-one sessions. And to get to know them better after MTP, freelancers can attend the TGIF Reception, Journalism Awards Reception and the NAREE Suite at 8:30 PM at the Hilton. Here's a list to date of journalists who have agreed to have tables at NAREE's Meet the Press, chaired by past president Sue Doerfler, Arizona Republic: Alyssa Abkowitz, Wall Street Journal; Lauren Beale, Los Angeles Times; Jerry Becker, MSN Real Estate; Ralph Bivins,; David Bodamer, National Real Estate Investor; Andrea Brambila, Inman News; Steve Brown, Dallas Morning News; Harold Bubil, Sarasota Herald-Tribune; Oshrat Carmiel, Bloomberg; Matt Carter, Inman News; Steve Cook, Real Estate Economy Watch; Polyana da Costa,; Daniel DiClerico, Consumer Reports; Candy Evans,; John Gittelsohn, Bloomberg; Matt Goldstein, Reuters; Dion Haynes, Washington Post; Matt Hudgins, Freelance writer - New York Times; Kris Hudson, Wall Street Journal; Michelle Jarboe McFee, Plain Dealer; Valerie Kellogg, Newsday; David Levitt, Bloomberg; Lily Leung, San Diego Union-Tribune; Camilla McLaughlin, freelance writer – Unique Homes; Mark Moffa, Unique Homes; John Nelson, Texas Real Estate Business; Lynn Peisner, Student Housing Business; Gail Ravgiala, Design New England; Doug Sams, Atlanta Business Chronicle; Jarred Schenke, Bisnow; Mary Shanklin, Orlando Sentinel; Randy Shearin, Shopping Center Business; Lew Sichelman, Syndicated Columnist; Daniel Taub, Bloomberg; Scott Trubey, Atlanta Journal Constitution; Mary Umberger, Columnist - Chicago Tribune; Matt Valley, Seniors Housing Business; Alicia Wallace, Boulder Daily Camera; Lois Weiss, NY Post and others. (Complete list at MTP Sign-up Desk.) Make your reservations at the Hilton Atlanta today! NAREE's room block expires Monday May 20 at the close of business. Call 800-hiltons or visit and ask for "NAREE's $119 rate." Register for the NAREE conference at NAREE's Atlanta conference is just two weeks away.
Don't miss this chance to meet colleagues covering residential real estate including mortgage trends and commerical real estate including retail, hospitality and mixed-use with multifamily, senior housing and student housing. Contact Mary Doyle-Kimball Executive Director NAREE 561-391-3599 [email protected].
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